
The Ministers of Sports and Military Production inaugurate an artificial turf factory

Today, Monday, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, and Dr. Mohamed Saeed Al-Assar – Minister of State for Military Production, inaugurated the artificial turf production plant “Captex” in the Highsteppe area at the Heliopolis Chemical Industries Company, one of the companies affiliated with the Ministry of Military Production, which was established by the Military Production Company for projects, engineering consultations and general supplies. It was established in accordance with the contract concluded in April 2016 between the Ministries of Youth and Sports, Military Production, Misr Clearing Company and Master Sport, and in cooperation with the German company Politan to provide the Egyptian market’s needs for artificial turf locally and export surplus production abroad. During the opening, it was emphasized that the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Military Production support projects through implementing new constructions or equipping and raising the efficiency of existing facilities, out of belief in their important role in caring for youth and youth and encouraging all sports activities. It was also clarified that the idea of relying on artificial turf instead of natural turf It achieves an important advantage in rationalizing water consumption and reducing maintenance costs, which will benefit sports facilities and bring a significant economic return to the state. The role of the Military Production Company for projects, engineering consultations and general supplies for the benefit of the Ministry of Youth and Sports was also reviewed through the development of a number of sports stadiums, stadiums and sports camps, the establishment and renovation of swimming pool complexes, the establishment of five-a-side football fields and legal fields in a number of clubs, and the establishment of model youth centres, including the centre. The youth of “Al-Asmarat District”, and the supply of stadium chairs, in light of participation in the implementation of national projects in cooperation with various agencies and institutions in the country for the benefit of serving the Egyptian citizen. The factory is built on an area of 22,500 square meters, with a production capacity of 2.7 million square meters of artificial turf. It is planned to increase its production capacity to 5 million square meters of artificial turf. It achieves an important advantage for the customer, as the maintenance period for the turf is 5 years, making it the longest-lasting in the Middle East.
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